Ocean Protocol Taps Oasis Sapphire for Prediction Data Privacy Needs
Oasis Sappphire supports the secrecy needed to protect user data on Ocean’s Predictoor.

Accurate and secure predictions are essential to many applications built in Web3. Not only should crypto natives expect the predictive data they receive to be accurate and reliable, but any actions they take based on that data should be expected to stay private unless otherwise specified. Predictoor by Ocean brings this to Web3, and Oasis is proud to support their new dApp with the programmable confidentiality features of Oasis Sapphire.
How Ocean Predictoor Works
Ocean Predictoor is a crowd-sourced, on-chain dApp for making and verifying predictions. Individuals can submit predictions and stake on them. Money is made when they are correct and lost when they aren’t. Traders can buy aggregate predictions in the Predictoor dApp and use them to buy or sell certain assets or contracts. Ocean intends for these dynamics to drive accuracy within the Predictoor stack.
“Ocean Predictoor has specific privacy needs: user-submitted data must be private; compute on that data must be private, and compute results must only be shared to specific parties under specific conditions. Targeting these needs, we researched and prototyped many privacy technologies,” said Trent McConaghy, Founder of Ocean Protocol. “Oasis Sapphire emerged as the best choice because, as the only privacy-preserving EVM chain in production, it could handle these needs cleanly end-to-end.”
The Predictoor launch on Testnet is happening imemdiately, and its Mainnet launch is set for October 3.
Why Predictoor Runs on Oasis
Oasis Sapphire is the first and only confidential EVM in Web3 that brings Smart Privacy frameworks to developers and builders who want secure, versatile confidentiality. Developers can build EVM-based dApps on Sapphire with smart contracts that are 100% confidential, 100% public, or anywhere in between.
For Ocean Predictoor, Sapphire’s privacy features are essential to protect the integrity of its users. Prediction data are kept private end to end in Predictoor using Oasis Sapphire, and only when preexisting conditions are met does a feed share data with another party. Predictoor feed contracts are deployed to the Oasis Sapphire protocol, and the data is passed through to the appropriate parties when a prediction made by template bots or traders is met or fails.
“Privacy is an essential feature for any successful prediction data feed, and Oasis is proud to provide the privacy infrastructure that supports Ocean Predictoor,” said Jernej Kos, Director at the Oasis Protocol Foundation. “We are excited to see Web3 use this powerful tool developed by Ocean, and their choice to secure the secrecy of finance, weather, real estate, and other prediction formats with our privacy frameworks signals the power of Oasis technology.”
Explore the privacy features on Sapphire and the Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) framework for Sapphire.
Get started using the Predictoor feeds on Ocean Protocol.