Oasis Nexus

The official indexer for the Oasis Network, the Oasis Nexus serves as the backend for key user products like the Oasis Explorer and the ROSE Wallet.

Nexus in Use

The Oasis Nexus fetches blockchain data from Oasis nodes and related sources (Sourcify, Oasis Metadata Registry, etc.), parses the data, and stores it into an indexed SQL database, providing a JSON-based web API to access the data. Oasis Nexus is the official indexer for the Oasis Network, providing the backend for the Oasis Explorer and ROSE Wallet.

Open-Source by Nature

Oasis Nexus surfaces data from multiple entities.

Sourcify provides verifiable source code for EVM smart contracts, allowing Nexus to present fully interpretable (i.e. parsed) EVM transactions and events as opposed to binary blobs.

The metadata registry functions as a repository for validator metadata.

IPFS enables Nexus to gather comprehensive details about individual NFT instances.

How to use Nexus?

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