DevAccelerator Spotlight: Ruyi Health

A Secure, Intuitive, and Intelligent Health Management Solution for Stroke Patients and their providers and insurers.

A Secure, Intuitive, and Intelligent Health Management Solution for Stroke Patients and their providers and insurers.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and the Ruyi team.

Our names are Zhenxuan “James” Zhang and Shaashwat Sharma, and we are the co-founders of Ruyi Health LLC. James has research experience developing assistive and robotic rehabilitation technology for stroke patients. Shaashwat has software developer experience working at startups.

We are passionate about creating accessible healthcare solutions using technology.

And a bit about your project?

Our goal is to create a secure, intuitive, and intelligent health management solution that empowers our users to live a healthy life.

While developing robotic technology for stroke rehabilitation and interacting with patients, James realized that the most effective way to reduce cost and improve rehabilitation outcomes is to take a preventative approach rather than a reactionary one. As a result, we are starting off by building a solution tailored to stroke survivors by helping them manage their blood pressure. This initial solution could also benefit hypertensive adults in general.

In the future, we envision expanding our solution to other chronic conditions.

When and why did you first get excited about blockchain technology?

We first heard about blockchain technology in an academic setting. We are most excited about blockchain technology’s ability to make data storage and transactions more secure than the traditional approach. This is especially important when dealing with sensitive personal medical data.

Most people have been affected in one way or another by a loved-one who has had a stroke. Tell us how Ruyi is aiming to be part of the solution?

One in four stroke survivors has another, and survivors’ chronic conditions, such as hypertension, are major indicators of a second stroke. We are aiming to prevent our users from having a second stroke by making it easier for patients to share their health data (blood pressure, medication history, etc.) with their doctors. Their doctors will be able to provide patients with treatment modifications based on this data, helping patients stay healthy.

Technology is an important part of the solution. But where patients, doctors, and insurers are involved, coordinating among those 3 major stakeholder groups becomes quite challenging. What does Ruyi Health offer each of these stakeholders?

The Ruyi Health platform seamlessly connects patients, doctors, and insurance in a way which mutually benefits all three stakeholders.

The patient-facing solution allows users to easily input and securely share their health data with their doctors, who will provide them with a more customized treatment plan.

The provider-facing solution gives doctors tools to view and analyze their patients’ data, prescribe remote treatments through e-prescriptions, and request visits if necessary. This will save doctors time and allow them to see more patients.

The insurance-facing solution provides insurers with general usage data while keeping patient health data private. This will enable insurance companies to incorporate the solution as a wellness program to increase care quality and maintain population health for their customers.

What made you interested in building on the Oasis network?

We heard about Oasis Lab from an academic setting, and immediately recognized that it is a Natural fit to our solution for the following reasons:

  • Addresses patients’ security concerns, leading to increased adoption rates
  • Prevents one centralized party to have the ability to access unauthorized data
  • Allows for data analysis without identifiable information

Any big milestones coming up for your project that our readers should know about?

Currently, we are developing a provider-facing application which integrates with one of the existing Electronic Health Record vendors. Additionally, we are testing our patient-facing app and Alexa skill.

How can others try out your product? Learn more about what you’re up to?

Please visit our website and/or email us at [email protected].

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