GemKeeper Completes Security Audits and Launches on Oasis Emerald

The GemKeeper DEX completed security audits and launched on Oasis Emerald!

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The Oasis Foundation today welcomes GemKeeper, a successfully audited decentralized exchange (DEX) platform, to the Oasis ecosystem.

The team at GemKeeper.Finance announced the successful completion of their Peckshield security audit before joining the Oasis ecosystem, which makes GemKeeper the second DeFi protocol on Oasis to have completed an audit. GemKeeper will run on the Emerald runtime environment, which is optimized for cross-chain interoperability and offers full EVM compatibility.

The GemKeeper DEX supports standard AMM features that allow users to swap tokens, join liquidity pools, and create new liquidity pools in a fully permissionless manner. GemKeeper will also enable users to farm BLING (GemKeeper’s governance token) by staking their GemKeeper Liquidity Pool (GLP) tokens in "the Gem Mine".

GemKeeper is currently providing BLING incentive rewards for the following pairs:

Wormhole USDT/ROSE
Wormhole USDT/ Anyswap USDC
Multichain BUSD/ ROSE
Multichain LINK/ROSE
Multichain AVAX/ROSE
Multichain FTM/ROSE
Multichain USDC/ROSE
Multichain BNB/ROSE

Learn more about GemKeeper's initial launch plans here.

Stay updated with GemKeeper's developments with their social accounts here.

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