Introducing the Amber Network (a release candidate for Mainnet)

A recap of the Oasis Quest and what’s next!

A recap of the Oasis Quest and what’s next!

As the Oasis Quest, the Oasis incentivized testnet, comes to an end, we’re excited to announce the next major milestone on the Oasis Network — the Amber Network. The Amber Network is the Oasis Network’s release candidate for Mainnet and will launch in mid-June.

We are thrilled to get one step closer to this vision with the end of the Quest and beginning of the Oasis Network’s first Mainnet release candidate, Amber. The Oasis Network is a proof-of-stake, decentralized blockchain network built with one goal in mind — to create a better internet; an internet where the benefits of data at scale are realized, while user privacy and control remain at the core of any network usage. The Network seeks to do this by unlocking a new paradigm for blockchain technology, extending the concept of tokenization to the underlying data itself.

A Review of the Oasis Quest

During the Quest we saw huge growth and engagement from our community of Node Operators, Ambassadors, and Developers who spend hours providing feedback on the network, running nodes, and building tools to make the network and the broader ecosystem better. A special congratulations to all of the Quest Winners including Bison Trails, Blockdaemon, Certus One, Chorus One, Figment, Forbole, Hashquark, Igyice, Oceanabcde, SebastianJ, Simply VC, Staking Fund, and many more!

Key highlights of the Quest included:

  • 👍 400+ node operators joined the competition
  • 👩‍💻 100+ nodes running on the Questnet at any given time
  • 💻 5+ network upgrades complete in as little as 45 minutes
  • 🤑 12M+ tokens allocated for Mainnet
  • 🎁 20+ community grants for network tooling, developer apps, and more
  • 🎉 70+ unique competition winners

Feature Complete and Stability Tested

From a technical perspective, the Quest was a great opportunity to turn on new features and test them. For example, during the time of the Quest features we’ve turned on include:

✅ Staking
✅ Delegation
✅ Token Transfer
✅ Token Incentives (both the design and the implementation itself)
✅ ParaTime development and deployment
✅ Multiple external security audits, bug bounties, and network attack attempts — all passing with flying colors

Throughout the competition we got tons of great feedback from node operators and other developers, but one thing was consistent — the network is easy to maneuver and exceptionally stable.

And now, because the Oasis Network is now feature-complete, stress-tested, and audited we’re ready to move into our final pre-Mainnet phase: the release candidate.

The Oasis Amber Network, a release candidate for Mainnet

After turning on all the features above and running the testnet stably for some time, we’re excited to move into the next phase of the Oasis Network — the Oasis Amber Network. The Oasis Amber Network is a release candidate for Mainnet and includes all the core features of the network you can expect at Mainnet launch. A few key aspects of the network are below:

Top features

As the release candidate for Mainnet, the Oasis Amber Network will launch features outlined in the Oasis Network Whitepaper and in our architectural overview.

A few key features to summarize:

  • Fully decentralized consensus layer
  • Staking and delegation
  • Multiple ParaTimes (parallel runtimes) running compute on the network (expect more and more added over time)
  • Commission rate tool for validators
  • Ledger wallet integration (coming soon)

Joining the Amber Network

The Amber Network is specifically for Node Operators preparing for Oasis Mainnet. To set up on the network and learn more specifics about the rules, please check out our documentation here.

Why Join the Amber Network: Bonuses for Mainnet

The Amber Network will be used as a way to provide bonuses in the form of delegation from the Oasis Protocol Foundation. The Oasis Protocol Foundation will plan to allocate up to 50% of its available tokens based on success and staking reward rankings of the Oasis Amber Network as well as availability rankings and overall track record. (NOTE: See documentation for specific delegation guidelines.)

This is a great opportunity to get committed delegation tokens from the Foundation and a great way to fully prepare for the Oasis Mainnet at launch!

Wallet-Testers Needed

In addition to running nodes, we’re also looking for community volunteers to test our new Ledger wallet integration. Volunteers have an opportunity to earn more tokens and stress test node operators on the network by delegating your AMBER tokens. Please sign up here if you’re interested.


The Amber Network will kick off in mid-June. We will share the specific start date within 7 days of launch.

Future Milestones for the Oasis Network

In addition to sharing information about this network we’re sure many of you are curious to understand the next few phases of the Oasis Network — including our token generation event directly.

A few key dates to keep in mind

  • June 11: Announce the Amber Network Launch date
  • Mid-June: Oasis Amber Network launches
  • August: Mainnet Dry Run

Disclaimer: The Quest, the Amber Network and all associated activities and rewards are not available to all participants and eligibility requirements apply. For details, see the Program Terms available here. This article does not guarantee anyone the right to participate in the Amber Network, The Quest, or to receive rewards.

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