Oasis Foundation Partners with Sperax to Offer Grants of up to $50,000 Support Women-Led Blockchain Projects

The Oasis Foundation will co-host the second phase of the Sperax LIFTED Grant Series, which is aimed at lowering the barrier for women entering blockchain.

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The Oasis Foundation will co-host the second phase of the Sperax LIFTED Grant Series, which is aimed at lowering the barrier for women entering blockchain.

The Oasis Foundation, the organization offering technical and financial support to promote the Oasis Network ecosystem, is partnering with Sperax, the protocol providing scalable stablecoins. Together they will offer grants up to $50,000 USD to women-led projects in the blockchain space as part of the Sperax-operated LIFTED Grant Series.

The Sperax LIFTED grants are designed to provide women in the blockchain space with access to capital and mentorship. Both the Oasis and Sperax teams are proudly led by women and believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive blockchain industry is essential for driving innovation, creativity, and technological breakthroughs.

For this grant, applicants can choose to develop a brand new stablecoin from scratch or port over an existing stablecoin to the Oasis Ethereum ParaTime. Applicants can choose to leverage any open-source code that is available and build an Oasis version of their favorite stablecoin, such as USDC, USDT, Dai, Sperax, or any other stablecoin of their choosing.

One individual or team will be selected to win this grant. Oasis and Sperax will offer technical and business support to the chosen grantee, providing a unique opportunity for the winning individual or team to network and to be advised by leading talent in the blockchain industry. The Bigger Pie, a professional network providing women in blockchain with access to additional capital and mentorship, will also offer support for the alumni of Sperax LIFTED Grants.

Sperax Grants Phase II: Bringing Stablecoins to Oasis

Grants will be distributed on a quarterly basis to talented women working in blockchain. In Phase II, participating teams should apply for resources to bring a stablecoin to the Oasis ecosystem through the Oasis Ethereum ParaTime. The ParaTime is nearly identical to Ethereum, with full EVM and Solidity tool chain support, but with gas fees that are 99% lower than Ethereum’s. With the Oasis Ethereum ParaTime, you can port over Solidity smart contracts from Ethereum to the Oasis Network, and you can easily launch new stablecoins, DeFi apps, NFTs, and more on the Oasis Network. If you’re already familiar with building apps using Solidity, the Oasis Ethereum ParaTime lets you dive right into the Oasis Network ecosystem.

Applications Timeline

Grant applications will be reviewed based on the specific timeline outlined below:

  • Step 1: Apply between April 10 and May 31, 2021
  • Step 2: Interview with Sperax and Oasis teams in the week of June 7, 2021
  • Step 3: Notified of award by June 14, 2021

How to Apply

Applying for a grant is easy. Just fill out the application form with the relevant information we are requesting, and we’ll notify you via email regarding the status of your application.

The more specific and clear you are in your application, the better our team will be able to understand your project proposal.

If you are a women-led team, or prominently feature women in your team, please be sure to mention this in your application.

About the Oasis Network

Oasis is the first privacy-enabled blockchain platform for open finance and a responsible data economy. Combined with its high throughput and secure architecture, the Oasis Network is able to power private, scalable DeFi, revolutionizing Open Finance and expanding it beyond traders and early adopters to a mass market. Its unique privacy features can not only redefine DeFi, but also create a new type of digital asset called Tokenized Data that can enable users to take control of the data they generate and earn rewards for staking it with applications — creating the first ever responsible data economy. The Oasis Team includes top-tier talent from around the world with backgrounds from Apple, Google, Amazon, Stanford, Harvard and more and has been backed by top investors including a16z Crypto, Accel, Polychain, Pantera, and many others,

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About Sperax

Founded in 2019, Sperax is missioned to connect all with its modern money platform. Sperax provides a hybrid stablecoin, USDs, on top of its BDLS public blockchain. A combination of crypto-collateralized stablecoins and dual token algorithmic stablecoins, USDs is a highly scalable, trustless and decentralized stablecoin that operates fully on-chain. USDs serve both purposes of wealth preservation and passive income generation. Sperax is backed by Outlier Ventures and FBG Capital.

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