Oasis October Engineering Update

Our monthly update on all things technical

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Our monthly update on all things technical

Welcome to our roundup of what the Oasis Network team has been working on, take a moment to catch up with all the latest developments.


  • We are constantly improving our Oasis Wallet — Web with enhancements and bug fixes. For example, the wallet mnemonic confirmation screen now also works on mobile browsers, pasted mnemonics that contain new lines are handled better, wallets’ balances are correctly updated when switching between Mainnet and Testnet, and much more.
  • Development of the Oasis Wallet — Browser Extension is also forging ahead. We’ve been designing and implementing a new flow that will allow users to transfer their $ROSE into ParaTimes, both Cipher and Emerald. The latter is an EVM-compatible ParaTime so users will be able to use their $ROSE with the upcoming DEX and other DeFi DApps.


  • Cipher ParaTime, our official general-purpose confidential smart contract platform to enable private DeFi and privacy DApps, has launched on Mainnet.
  • Currently, 24 Oasis Nodes run the Cipher ParaTime on the Mainnet.
  • Emerald ParaTime, our official EVM-compatible ParaTime dedicated to DeFi, NFT & Metaverse, was launched on Testnet on Oct 22.
  • We plan on launching Emerald ParaTime on Mainnet in November.


  • Cipher ParaTime development continues and the new version on the Testnet includes the WebAssembly smart contracts module so developers can start building and testing it straight away!
  • The EVM module has been updated to use unified accounts with the rest of the SDK to simplify the overall flow.
  • Together with the partner team the initial Web3 gateway for use with the EVM module has been developed and can be used together with the Emerald ParaTime on Testnet.
  • Audits are ongoing to make sure that the EVM and core SDK modules are ready for production.


  • A solidity-based smart contract development environment is available on the Emerald ParaTime on the Testnet and will be available on Mainnet later this month.
  • WebAssembly-based smart contracts development environment is available on the Cipher ParaTime on the Testnet and will be available on Mainnet by the end of Q4.


DeFi is coming to Oasis this quarter! Here are some of the projects currently building on Oasis to be live this fall!

  • 2 grant awardees building AMM protocols on Emerald, and one of which is aiming to launch on Emerald in November (Insider info: Keep eyes peeled for an upcoming Airdrop announcement in the community channels)
  • 2 grant awardees building lending protocols that aim to launch on Emerald in December
  • The Emerald ParaTime is aiming to be integrated with the Wormhole bridge by the end of November for cross-chain interoperability.
  • MetaMirror, The world’s first identity service built for the metaverse has launched on Oasis this month — read more here

Stay Connected

If you are working on Oasis and you want your progress to be included in the next monthly update, please email us at info@oasisprotocol.org

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