Oasis Extends Support for Ocean Predictoor Data Farming Throughout 2024

Supporting the growth and development of Predictoor is an exciting opportunity for the Oasis community.

The Oasis Foundation is excited to announce an extension of its support for the Ocean Protocol’s Data Farming (DF) incentives program for Predictoor throughout 2024. Since Ocean launched Predictoor in September 2023, Oasis has been proud to support its growth and development through DF incentives. Extending these incentives for the full year of 2024 includes 20,000 ROSE allocated per week for 52 weeks. 

Ocean Predictoor is a crowd-sourced, on-chain dApp for making and verifying predictions, with smart privacy features enabled by the Oasis Sapphire runtime. Individuals can submit predictions and stake on them. Money is made when they are correct and lost when they aren’t. At the time of publishing, Predictoor incentives is in DF Round 71.

Predictoor Data Farming incentives program is designed to foster the accelerated growth and development of Predictoor data markets. As a “predictoor,” participants contribute predictions to Predictoor contracts and earn rewards for selling accurate predictions. 

This extension of support follows a previous commitment to Ocean data farming incentives program by Oasis. In November 2023, Oasis announced that it dedicated 400,000 ROSE for Ocean data farming incentives. Oasis is eager to contribute to the growth of Web3 applications that are committed to integrating industry-leading privacy solutions like Sapphire.

Get started using Predictoor feeds on Ocean.

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