Introducing the MetaMirror Gallery for AI ROSE NFTs by Oasis
The Oasis Network's AI rose collection is an exciting step forward for NFTs in the Oasis ecosystem.

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Late last year, Hot on the heels of a partnership announcement with MetaMirror, the private web 3.0 identity service for the Metaverse, Oasis introduced the Oasis AI ROSE NFT Collection, the first NFT collection minted on the Oasis Network in late 2022. The collection consists of 999 AI-generated images of roses tokenized into NFTs on the Oasis network, and after launching the NFT Rose Contest, Oasis gifted them all to the community.
The collection is now only stunning, but it is also connected to the Oasis Network’s rose symbol. Each rose is a beautiful creation; truly unique and customized to each user. The enthusiasm of the Oasis community regarding this ROSE NFT collection giveaway was amazing, and the Oasis team is truly grateful to have such ongoing support.
“Apart from how beautiful it has been, the exclusivity of being the first in Oasis," said one rose recipient from the community. "The AI rose represents luck in life to me — it’s so beautiful and the exclusivity of being the first NFT Collection on Oasis is so exciting”.
To qualify for the collection's giveaway, members of the Oasis ecosystem had to complete a series of tasks and create a mirrored digital personality with MBuddy, which analyzed Twitter engagement. On Christmas Day, the NFTs were allocated and unboxed to the lucky Oasis Network community members as follows:
- 150 ROSEs went to the winners of the lottery taking place in the Auth3 discord community
- 699 ROSEs went to active Oasis community members based on the Oasis Loyalty Score and generated though MBuddy
- 100 ROSEs went to Oasis Fans & New Users
- 50 remaining ROSEs went to Oasis core contributors and partners

Using MetaMirror Gallery
After completing the NFT giveaway, the Auth3 Network (an Oasis Network partner) developed the MetaMirror Gallery to allow for the AI ROSE NFT trading. This marketplace will not only be a place to sell and trade NFT ROSEs, but will also help us expand NFTs to our broader community. Here is a simple guide for using this marketplace.
How to Buy an AI ROSE NFT
- Visit the MetaMirror Gallery
- Connect your MetaMask wallet with the Emerald Mainnet by clicking “Connect Wallet” in the top-right corner. You will need to transfer ROSE tokens to your 0x address on Emerald mainnet that holds the AI ROSE NFT. Check this guide.
- Click “Gallery”
- Browse through the AI ROSE NFT’s for sale
- Select the AI ROSE NFT you wish to buy and click the purple “Buy” button in the bottom-right corner of the AI ROSE NFT image
- Follow the instructions, agree to the terms and approve the purchase (ensure you have sufficient funds in your MetaMask wallet)
- To view all your AI ROSE NFT’s, click “My Items” at the top-right
How to Sell an AI ROSE NFT
- Visit the MetaMirror Gallery
- Connect your MetaMask wallet with the Emerald Mainnet by clicking “Connect Wallet” in the top-right corner. You will need to transfer ROSE tokens to your 0x address on Emerald mainnet that holds the AI ROSE NFT. Check this guide.
- Click “My Items”
- Browse through all the AI ROSE NFT’s that you own
- Select the AI ROSE NFT you wish to sell and click the purple “Sell” button in the bottom-right corner of your AI ROSE NFT image
- Follow the instructions and approve the sale
- To cancel the sale, click the purple “delist” button in your listed AI ROSE NFT
Why is Oasis the Best NFT Network?
Oasis is the leading scalable and privacy-enabled blockchain, making it the clear choice for creators to build NFT collections. The combination of high throughput and secure architecture means the Oasis Network can power tokenized data and confidential NFT use cases, which allow users to take control of the data they use and generate by earning rewards in the first-ever responsible Web3 data economy.