Oasis Offers Over $2.5 million in Funding to Support Startups on the Oasis Network

We’re proud to have offered over $2.5M to various startups to build the next generation of Web3 DApps on Oasis.

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Oasis is proud announce that over $2.5 million has been offered to various startups building the next generation of Web3 dApps on Oasis — with more than $230 million available to fund future builders.

The Oasis Network is a scalable and privacy-enabled layer-1 blockchain designed for open finance and a responsible data economy, and the Oasis Foundation was created to foster a global community around the ecosystem and support its growth and decentralization.

Oasis currently has several programs available to support developers.

The Oasis Ecosystem Fund: >$200M Available Funding

The Oasis Ecosystem Fund, with more than $200 million available for funding, is supported by top industry backers including Binance Labs, NGC Ventures, Dragonfly Capital, Electric Capital and more. It is dedicated to helping founders build projects that will power the next wave of Oasis applications such as DeFi, NFTs, the metaverse, data tokenization, data DAO, data governance and privacy applications and more.

ROSE Bloom Grants: Up to $50K in ROSE

Designed to help foster the growth of the Oasis ecosystem, the ROSE Bloom Grants program will help kickstart projects that will improve the Oasis Network or are building new DeFi protocols, dApps or privacy-first products. Projects can apply for grants anywhere from $5,000 — $50,000 in ROSE.

Large Momentum & Significant Funding Provided to Date

The Oasis Ecosystem Fund has received 28 applications for funding so far. YuzuSwap has received around $2 million from the Oasis Ecosystem Fund. Built on Oasis Emerald, the EVM-compatible ParaTime YuzuSwap is a decentralized exchange that includes incentives for liquidity and trade mining. It went live in January 2022, and has already seen significant growth, surpassing $1 billion in trading volume in less than a month.

Since the beginning of 2022, we have received 47 applications for the ROSE Bloom Grants program from projects looking to build on either Oasis Emerald or Oasis Parcel, the privacy-first data governance SDK and we have committed to $590K of funding, including:

  • CrystalNFT — NFT Marketplace
  • HybridX — DEX
  • Gemkeeper.Finance — DEX
  • Lilac — StableSwap
  • SSAP — Lending
  • TGT.Finance — Lending

The $3.5 million Oasis MetaMind Accelerator Program, which has just announced its first cohort of 15 projects, has prompted an increase in grant awards.

On top of that, the $500,000 DappRadar x Oasis Accelerator Program is currently open and accepting applications. This program will support teams from the DappRadar developer community to build DeFi, P2E gaming and privacy solutions on the Oasis Network, specifically on the Oasis Emerald or Cipher ParaTimes.

How to Apply for Funding

If you’re an ambitious developer seeking to revolutionize Web3 & Open Finance and take it to a mass market and would like to apply for funding, please follow the links below:

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